Christian Wicht Head of Carrier Sales, Transporeon GmbH

Christian Wicht
Christian Wicht

The business informatics specialist Christian Wicht is a long-standing logistics professional with extensive experience in building and leading international sales teams. As head of the carrier sales team at the leading transport management platform Transporeon, he is an expert on market trends and knows the challenges and latest innovations in the transport industry. Together with his team, he develops strategies for future transport solutions and Transporeon products. Always with the aim of networking the industry, relieving the burden on transport chains, increasing the transparency of transports and thus making processes more efficient for all players.

After professional positions at trans-o-flex and Hermes, he already looked after major customers at Transporeon between 2013 and 2017. After a position as Sales Director at BluJay Solutions, Christian Wicht headed the sales division for carriers and logistics companies at Europe's leading visibility platform Sixfold from 2019. Since Sixfold was acquired by Transporeon at the beginning of 2022 and the visibility app was fully integrated into the platform, Christian Wicht has been responsible for the entire carrier sales area.